1. Who will be the Grand Champion of Zero Games Studios?
Racing games and motorsports are an integral part of Zero Games Studios' DNA. Being currently in full development of our own racing game, Hot Lap Racing, the organization of an activity around this theme seemed obvious. Karting is a good way to establish a healthy competitive climate and unite teams through wild races.

1986 French karting champion, former F1 test driver and currently Euronascar driver (and winner of the last race), Patrick Lemarié was pleased to join us in order to share his experience and allow us to take a breath of adrenaline thanks to a two-seater kart and his professional driving.
In teams of 2, we embarked on a winding “Grand Prix” circuit for 1h30. At the end of this race, strewn with obstacles and small rivalries, the classification is as follows:
12 - Les bidons d’huile (Guillaume and Marjolaine)
11 - Totsugeteam (Lydie and Alexia)
10 - Bad Nekos (Ella and Laure)
9 - Unreal Angine (Alban and Florent)
8 - Team Chatrouille (Marion and Quentin)
7 - Cidre 51 (Enzo and William)
6 - Lilyanguy (Lilian and Tanguy)
5 - Les Fous du Volant (Théo and Alexandre)
4 - Trameridj Vroom Vroom (Naddir and Jean)
3 - Team Rush (PAD and Antoine)
2 - Kitten Crushers (Jonathan and Yohan)
1 - Les Formula Juno Racing (Pierre-Luc and Matthieu)

With 1.069 seconds ahead of the second in the rankings and after 1.5 hours of racing, it is Pierre-Luc, CEO of Zero Games and Matthieu, developer, who win the race (and the hatred of the Kitten Crushers)!
2. Teambuilding and thrills
After the effort, comfort! It is for this reason that after the karting, we decided to meet in the accommodation we rented in order to play some board games, a game of billiards, table football and enjoy pizzas while telling anecdotes and settle our karting accounts. The next morning, wake up at 8am, head to Parc Astérix! It was an opportunity for some to return to their favorite attractions, and for others to discover new sensations. Naturally, three teams were formed; A (very) thrills team, a more moderate team and the coffee team, in other words, those who are not fans of attractions of any kind.
We did not suffer any losses, so we can say that this day was beneficial! Overall, everyone at Zero Games seemed to have had a great time, and the bonds between the teams were able to get closer.

3. Zero Games and remote
Long before the Covid-19 crisis democratized teleworking, we had already opted for this working method which allows recruitment without geographical restrictions. Despite the many advantages of working from home, it is important to maintain a real link, meet colleagues, maintain team morale and this involves organizing events. It is also an opportunity for employees who do not have the opportunity to exchange within the workplace to meet and get to know each other.

More and more, within Zero Games, we are doing everything we can to break the loneliness at work generated by telework. Thanks to the Discord tool, we have set up discussion channels allowing all employees who wish to do so to be able to work while exchanging with their colleagues and thus create a better working environment.